Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fun stuff

            The last few weeks have been finishing up with final projects and exams, but also packed with adventures and fun somehow.  Projects and tests tend to be a lot more fun and relaxed here, which actually encourages me to do better, and helps the information stick better.  It’s refreshing.  Our biodiversity final was a presentation and party at the zoo.  We made each created posters about the different ecosystems in Ecuador…general info, species, interactions, threats, conservation, indigenous people living in the ecosystems, and more, with awesome pictures that we took while visiting all the ecosystems… they were pretty bomb, and will stay posted in the zoo…5 posters for each 6 ecosystems:  Tropical Rainforest, dry forest, mountain forest, cloud forest, the páramo, and the Galapagos.  So we each presented our ecosystems, and then had a little party with wine and crabcakes and cookies and such.  The next day we had our final Spanish project presentations.  Ours was about Carnaval.  First we presented, and then we did plays on the roof our school involving foam and water balloons, masks and pigtails… lots of fun.  And then we ate the delicious soup of carnaval Mote Pata (prepared by yours truly) and Carnelazo (zhumir, oranges, and vanilla) also prepared by me. 
            Two weekends ago was a pretty grand weekend.  Saturday night we had a barbeque/adventure night at our professors house/at the zoo (our professor is like a kid than a professor by the way, and is currently building a house at the zoo).  We grilled, and drank turvo vielos, beers, and zhumir, and then wandered around the zoo drunkingly visiting our favorite animals…the squirrel monkeys, bears, crocodiles, turtles, puma, and more.  We bought chickens and made a kind of lever chicken piñata for the lions and lowered and raised until they pounced and devoured.  The next day Katy and I adventured to Guirón, and fell in love with the magical world there.  It is a small town an hour or so away from Cuenca surrounded by beautiful rolling hills, waterfalls, lush forests, birds, awesome moss, crazy plants, and a few llamas and crazy dogs.  We climbed around the rocks and forests, had a picnic in the sun and napped and wove bracelets out of grasses, and got soaked by the powerful waterfalls.  It was seriously a peaceful magical world out of a fairy tail, and im pretty convinced gnomes, trolls, and fire nymphs live there.
                        Last Thursday Claire and I took off Baños, right bye Ambato close to Quito right after class.  We planned to head straight baños, but arrived in Ambato to discover that the roads were closed because of an all night Semana Santa march.  So, on Thursday holy night (the night that many Ecuadorians visit seven churches, with processions and music), we hit up some Chinese food, bought beers, and explored the city, making friends with a crew of chatty corner guys who were also celebrating Semana Santa with beers and zhumir.  The next morning we headed to Baños early, and it quick became one of my favorite places in Ecuador.  It is a small tourist town surrounded by mountains, volcanoes, forests, waterfalls, and Sangay National Park.  It is full of activities such as hang gliding, bungy jumping, mountain biking, rafting, canyoneering, jungle trips, etc.  We went on a long hike in the mountains, climbing a pretty incredible altitude, and overlooking the city and surroundings.  It was windy, sunny, rainy, stormy, calm, and beautiful haha.  Near the top, we stopped for a coffee, and the volcano came out for us as we drank our coffee in hammocks.  Maybe 6 hours later we finally found our way back down to the city, and met up with Alexa, Goldanne, and Katy who joined us that day.  We went out for dinner and stray dog beer, and headed out for a midnight volcano adventure, having no idea what we were in for.  On our way we of course stumbled upon an awesome park with kids spinning and rolling around in hamster ball bubble things…As it turns out, volcano adventure was a party bus with blasting music and flashy lights.  It took us and about 300 others to the volcano (which you couldn’t see), and then everyone hung out there drinking beer and eating grill food, and then we party bussed back.  Pretty funny.  I heard rumor of a leprichan bar, and knew it what had to be done for the night.  We hunted it down, and it had a huge awesome bonfire, and bartenders dressed like leprichans...I need nothing else in life.  Saturday, we got up early to try to stuff in a full day of adventures.  We rented bikes, and went on a waterfall route bike ride…so neat!  We stopped at a number of waterfalls, and climbed around, and waded in the fresh streams.  Katy and I ended up hiking up the slippery rocks to the top of one waterfall, and I almost peed my pants and burst into tears when I realized I had to climb down…very precarious.  I froze for a while, but made it down in the end.  When we got down, we ran into a group of people with full on equipment, suits, and ropes, canyoneering, about to climb the same waterfall with trained guides…oops.  Another waterfall had caves, and you could climb along the sides and underneath the waterfall, also awesome.  Oh, and we stopped to fly across another waterfall…(hangliding?)  It was a beautiful hot and windy day, and there is just so much incredible nature surrounding baños…We returned to sign up for cheap massages.  This was also pretty funny, and probably the most wasted $20 I have spent on this trip.   Apparently, I am still uncontrollable tickleish, so a full body massage didn’t work out so well for me.  I spent the whole time jerking, clenching my teeth, and trying my hardest not to squeal and burst into laughter.  Not the most relaxing experience of my life hah, and Im pretty sure my masseuse thought I had serious problems…The next morning we left at 5 to study all day for exams, and to beat the crowds returning.  We met quite an interesting friend in the morning that felt that it was his mission/meant to be for him to join us.  He escorted us to the bus stop, running through the streets, jumping up and down, playing his guitar and singing songs about his friend who killed his true long….we also stopped at a bread store because he felt it was right for him to buy $20 of bread (bread is like 10 cents a bun here…so do the math….) and then passed it out to everyone he saw and gave us the rest of the heaping bags…we sat in a circle at the bus stop with him while he played the guitar and chattered about destiny and money and travels and space and the universe and forces and such. 
            We had a really tough essay exam Monday, like 15 pages of writing for 4 hours…but Tuesday was the biodiversity exam…not too hard because our main focus was our projects.  So a few friends came over to study, but when my sister came home just having finished her thesis for good and a new student joined us from Washington, it turned into a bit of party in the basement, and turned into an electronic after party with my brother and I.  The next day was buckle down day for Spanish which went well…and now…as of today...I am done and free.  We celebrated with drinks in the sun on the roof of our school of course.  And then, we had a really fancy dinner with all of the school, and our teachers, and our families, followed by an open bar and dancing…lots of fun (got to dance with my kick ass dancer Spanish teachers, and make a grand fool of myself).
            The next few days and weeks I have a lot to look forward to!!  Tomorrow is the foundation of Cuenca festival of arts and music and dancing and food and such.  Later is the graduation of my sister, and she is giving the speech because she is so awesome…and then we will go out with the whole family.  Friday she is having the grad party with a full double decker party bus, followed by clubs and what now!  Also Friday is another futból game, and Cuenca is currently ranked 2nd!  Also Friday is a Shuar festival at our zoo, and the Shuar community we stayed with is making the long journey! Then Saturday, maybe recovering a bit, or hitting up Saturday electronic night for the first time, and then off to the coast with friends!